This is where we give our customers a chance to tell us what they think about our web
site. Is there anything you would like to see us offer? Do you have any questions or comments? Our business depends on your
satisfaction, so please let us know what you think. More importantly, if you or someone you know is seeking
childcare, let me know here. Post an email address and or phone number and I will get with them (you) when a spot is available.
Just click this address to send us e-mail or post comments below:
Or give us a call at (803)408-3520
If you know anyone who is seeking childcare, please let me know. They are welcome
to contact me at anytime. If I have spots available they will be listed on this site. If I do not have any space available
I can place them on a waiting list and notify them when spaces become available.
You can also tell them to check out this site to see
what we are all about.